User agreement form
Engage Youth Empowerment Services (EYES) believes that every individual has the right to be treated fairly, and equitably, and with dignity, and respect. EYES will endeavor to ensure that this belief is translated into practice in the treatment of people in every area of its operation, and influence.
EYES Service User Agreement
Every young person has the right to choose what he or she wants to participate in within EYES Projects. Equally a level of responsibility and commitment is necessary to effectively deliver workshops that encourage and empower every young person.
Hereby to effectively execute this agreement this contract should be signed by the benefactor (service user) of EYES to meet the requirements of the above regulation under the following guidelines:
Ground Rules:
Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated whether it’s between service users or towards a member of EYES Team Members from a service user Immediate exclusion from the Programme will be enforced
Please respect your workspace – deliberate damage to property will not be tolerated and appropriate legal actions will be taken to recover costs
Please do not take what does not belong to you either from other service users, workspace, or member of EYES Team – This could lead to legal actions
Smoking of illegal substances and drinking is not allowed at any EYES – you will be asked to leave the workshop if you are found smoking or drinking whilst accessing a project or workshop
Wolverhampton adheres to a No Bullying Policy – Bullying of another service user or member of EYES will not be tolerated and you will be requested to leave the Programme if this occurs and appropriate action will follow
1. EYES operates an equal opportunities policy and a code of conduct procedure for the well-being and health & Safety of others as well as you therefore in compliance with the policy and procedure please adhere by these regulations:
2. Photographs and video footage could be taken during workshops to show evidence of your participation on the Programme to Funders – Also for publicity for events taking place on the Programme i.e., creative workshops, fashion shows If you have any objections, please inform project staff
If you are 16 and over, you can sign this contract yourself. Please ask your parent or carer to read and sign this contract with you if you are under 16 years of age.
I would like to participate in the current EYES Programme. I understand the above conditions and agree to the agreement by signing this contract.
I also understand that EYES is an empowerment organisation, which means encouraging and enabling me to develop my creative skills or supporting me towards developing my area of interest, which will help me to aspire and achieve.
I understand this is not a youth club but somewhere I can progressively develop life skills and personal development.
I agree to adhere to the code of conduct, which is designed to keep all EYES members safe.
I am aware EYES have an anti-bullying policy and health and Safety policy and will always behave in an appropriate manner towards other service users, staff, and the others at the venue. I will also respect the venue by behaving appropriately and discarding my litter in the refuse containers.
understand that I could be dismissed from EYES programmes if I behave inappropriately or cause damage to property or take something that does not belong to me or verbally or physically abuse/bully Service Users any member of EYES, including visitors.